Need a lightweight static site generator use Jekyll for your project.

Jekyll is the best solution for you, who need a static site that is very light, fast and full of SEO.Developing a website with Jekyll is very easy

Jekyll lightweight static site generator

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Jekyll lightweight static site generator #

As we know, in modern website development, every dev mode will use the production folder, of course taking up a lot of space in your project. Specifically, node js websites generally store the installation folder in the node_module folder. Just like node, your static site generator will also produce production output into your project, let's call it _site in this folder is the production folder generated from dev mode. and of course all files from dev mode will be cloned to production mode. This is what will take up the most space in your project.

The Best Lightweight Static Site Generator Jekyll

Why Jekyll? because jekyll works in the ruby environment, so it does not require a node_module folder for the installation process, therefore building a project with jekyll is actually lighter, because jekyll will only add production mode to the project, and does not include the node_module folder in their project.

Without node module folder, using Jekyll is relatively easy, not only that, Jekyll's capabilities increasingly perfect with ease in project customization needs, SEO support, and so on.

And if you need source code or Jekyll-based services then use our projects and services.

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